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Tell Me How it Ends

Tell Me How it Ends
It's Liverpool, 1987. The AIDS epidemic threatens a generation of Queer people left with no one to turn to but themselves. Across the world, groups of Lesbian women held out their hands to help ? and right here in this city, Aster sits by Marc's hospital bed? watching, wondering and reading. Tell Me How it Ends is about queer lives connected ? two people deemed polar opposites realising they're tied to each other in the face of an uncertain tomorrow. As they laugh, dance and argue their way into their future, can they make sure their own story's ending never comes? A joyous and uplifting journey through bedrooms and nightclubs, bad oysters, surprises and secrets, Tell Me How it Ends is the 2023 Homotopia Writers' Award winner. In this warm and wonderful world premiere, there's lots of living to be done. Everyman at 60 To celebrate the Everyman's 60th anniversary, see all three 2024 homegrown productions - The Legend of Ned Ludd, Tell Me How It Ends and The Lieutenant of Inishmore -? for a total of ?60 (when booked in one transaction by 31 March 2024).
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