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Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus

Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus


Formed in Liverpool in 1985, the Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus is a unique experimental ensemble whose work goes beyond music.

For over thirty-five years the band’s cult following has grown.

The group's music is a blend of folk and sacred music, industrial and ambient sounds, and samples that has drawn comparisons to neofolk artists like Current 93 and Death in June, as well as artists including Dead Can Dance, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Henryk Górecki, and Arvo Pärt.

Their mesmerising recorded material is influenced by diverse cultural perspectives and stimulates a deeply personal and subjective awakening.

Ethereal vocals, ambient compositions, chants, acoustic instrumentation and field recordings generate beautiful and emotionally intense soundscapes.

Their live performances are improvised, often featuring fragments, echoes and reimaginings of the recorded work.

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