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A feminist retelling of the Pygmalion and Galatea myth from Tired Horses Theatre.

Malion, a sculptor, is presenting his latest work to his male friends, a statue of the most beautiful woman in creation...

After labouring over the statue, searching for love’s representation inside a rock, Malion rejoices in his achievement over drinks where the men discuss the merits of his work.

However, the conversation cannot seem to move away from the femininity and lustful nature they see exhibited in the statue.

Meanwhile, brought to life by Aphrodite’s kiss, the statue awakens and is granted personhood as Galatea.

Galatea must watch as the man who made her begins to change, falling in line with his comrades and forgetting his pure vision of love…

Will Malion see Galatea or fall into the ranks of masculine identity?

Malion Tickets



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